「マラウイ支援チテンジ“しおり”」価格変更のお知らせ/Price change for Malawi Support Chitenge Bookmarks.


(English below)



First of all, we would like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to the victims of heavy rain in many areas in Japan. Dear the people who are forced to live as refugees and who is in search operations and restoration work, please look after your health.
















また、長きに渡りお世話になっております静岡県沼津市の自家焙煎珈琲屋 花野子様にても、当商品を委託販売させて頂くこととなりました。販売価格は送料が発生しない為、600円(全額寄付)となります。

花野子様ではマラウイ産コーヒー マラウイ・ゲイシャの売上の一部もマラウイ・ファンドへ毎月ご寄付いただいております。お買い求めは下記までお問い合わせください。

■自家焙煎珈琲屋 花野子(かのこ)

〒410-0875 静岡県沼津市今沢 383-1

TEL/FAX: 055-969-2830/055-969-2831

営業時間: 10:00-20:00

定休日: 無休

ホームページ: http://cafe-kanoko.com/




Announcement for the price change for Malawi Support Chitenge Bookmarks.


Hi, this is Mio from MINPA. Let me say a little about my personal life at first. I came back to Japan from Malawi for 3 weeks and have been working in the FSM since January. Please inform me if you come to the FSM!

Today, we would like to announce that the price for Malawi Support Chienge Bookmarks has changed to 1,000 yen from 2,000 yen. In the cost, the total of shipping fee and material cost is 400 yen, so the donated amount has changed to 600 yen from 1,600 yen per bookmark.



We hope this change may lead more people to get a bookmark for supporting Malawi.

Your donation will surely be distributed into each project.

We truly appreciate your kind cooperation.


As the assistant report, in March 2017, the first donation 10,000 yen was made for a football team in Rumphi.


Please see our projects by the following link: https://kirikiriouen.jimdo.com/malawi-fund/?logout=1


Also, Malawi Support Chitenge Bookmarks are available at KANOKO coffee shop which has kept donating for Malawi Fund for such a long time . The price is 600 yen which all goes for the donation because of no shipping cost.

KANOKO coffee shop also sells delicious Malawian coffee "Malawi Geisha" online and at the shop. They donate from the coffee for the fund as well.

Home-roasted coffee shop KANOKO

Address: Zip cord 410-0878, 383-1, Imazawa, Numazu city, Shizuoka, Japan

Tel/Fax: 055-969-2830/055-969-2831

Opening hours: 10:00-20:00

Holiday: None

Home page: http://cafe-kanoko.com/


Thank you for your warm support especially from people near the shop and coffee lovers.


(写真はクリックすると拡大してご覧になれます。 / Click to enlarge the photo.)

しおり製作時の様子/ Making the bookmarks.
しおり製作時の様子/ Making the bookmarks.