【マラウイ通信/Malawi letter】~ 第2回 そっと応援する会 マラウイ・ファンド支援報告/The 2nd Assistance Report on Malawi Fund


(English below)

現在当会スタッフの一人がアフリカのマラウイ共和国にて、2015年2月から青年海外協力隊の一員として地域の生活改善に取り組んでいます。当会ではその活動やマラウイ支援の一助になるべく、2015年6月に「そっと応援する会 マラウイ・ファンド」を設立しました。



昨年のルンピ県内ムフジュ地区の練習試合にて。/ At a friendly match in Mhuju area in Rumphi district last year.
昨年のルンピ県内ムフジュ地区の練習試合にて。/ At a friendly match in Mhuju area in Rumphi district last year.


今日は皆さまからの温かいご支援で成り立っている、そっと応援する会 マラウイ・ファンドで第2回目の支援活動を実施したことをご報告します。




2016年5月より、そっと応援する会 マラウイ・ファンドでは当該協会の活動主旨に賛同し、プロジェクト2においてその活動を支援することを決定しました。現在、当該協会の活動資金は全て自己資金で賄っており、今回都市部リーグへ参戦するにあたって資金が不足しているとの相談を受けました。そこで、今回はその活動資金の一部(主に遠征費)として約5万円を支援することとしました。









そっと応援する会 マラウイ・ファンド(日本語)




“The 2nd Assistance Report on Malawi Fund”

Today we would like to announce that our 2nd project has started with Malawi Fund.

We have decided to support WOCA Football Academy in Rumphi district in Malawi under project No.2, Youth support in Malawi Fund.

WOCA Football Academy is a program initiated by a group of football loving Malawians resident in Rumphi District, which is located in the Northern region of Malawi, Central Africa. The whole thing was basically motivated by the fact most young people in the district are engaging in risky and unproductive behaviors that can put their lives and future in danger. With football being the main meaningful sporting activity with huge potential to attract many young people, it was decided that an academy that can contribute towards reducing youth immorality as well as developing grassroot talent.

We have agreed to support WOCA Football Academy under project No.2 since we approve of their objectives in May, 2016. Their team has decided to join FMB league this year which requires more funds especially for transport. So we donated 340,000MK this time for their activity especially on transport.

Their participation in the league is an unusual case so that they were on national newspaper. One committee member says “We expect the players to improve their skills and mentality by playing with many teams among this league.”


The academy will send us a monthly report every month so we will report about it here as well.


WOCA Football Academy (English)



Malawi Fund (English)




(写真はクリックすると拡大してご覧になれます。 / Click to enlarge the photo.)

支援金受け渡し時。WOCAサッカー協会会長(左)と協会メンバーと当会スタッフ / The time of delivery of the funds. The chairman  and member of WOCA football academy and our staff.
支援金受け渡し時。WOCAサッカー協会会長(左)と協会メンバーと当会スタッフ / The time of delivery of the funds. The chairman and member of WOCA football academy and our staff.
遥々 北海道がからユニフォームとシューズが届きました。/ We received uniforms and shoes from Hokkaido in Japan.
遥々 北海道がからユニフォームとシューズが届きました。/ We received uniforms and shoes from Hokkaido in Japan.
北海道から届いたユニフォームを着て誇らしげな選手たち。/ They are proud of themselves as wearing uniforms from Hokkaido in Japan.
北海道から届いたユニフォームを着て誇らしげな選手たち。/ They are proud of themselves as wearing uniforms from Hokkaido in Japan.
 試合のハーフタイムにて。/ At a half time in a game.
試合のハーフタイムにて。/ At a half time in a game.
試合にて果敢にゴールを狙います。/ They always try to score from anywhere.
試合にて果敢にゴールを狙います。/ They always try to score from anywhere.
FMBリーグ初戦にて。/ At the first game in FMB league this year
FMBリーグ初戦にて。/ At the first game in FMB league this year
試合のハーフタイムにてコーチ陣が指導しています。/ At the half time of the game, the coaches were telling the players about their strength and weakness.
試合のハーフタイムにてコーチ陣が指導しています。/ At the half time of the game, the coaches were telling the players about their strength and weakness.
昨年の練習後の風景。/ After practice last year
昨年の練習後の風景。/ After practice last year