【マラウイ通信/Malawi letter】~マラウイの旅 筆者:上柳より子/Trip to Malawi by Yoriko Kamiyanagi




One of our staffs has worked as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer in Malawi since January 2015. Her task is to improve the quality of their lives. In June 2015, Sotto Ouensurukai founded Malawi fund for her program and the other supports.

Today we introduce the writing dealing with the staff's mother's travel in Malawi last year.



【マラウイの旅 上柳より子】(English below)









 マラウイでは大自然の観光地があり私たちは娘の友人のKONDWANI夫婦と共に2日間ニイカ国立公園で過ごした。昼間は大自然の中をジープで走りシマウマやアンテロープの群れに大興奮!すごーい すごーいと連発。夜は南半球の夜空を眺め大きな星にうっとり・・星を眺めながらKONDWANI夫婦にいろいろ聞いてみたかったけど適当な単語も出てこずただにっこり。妻のLUSUWIROは主食であるトウモロコシの粉を使ったシマを作ってくれ私も挑戦しおいしく手でいただく。LUSUWIROは非常にできた嫁で食後の片づけを率先して行ったりこの旅行に備えてシフォンケーキを作ってくれたり・・聞けば妊娠4週目だと言う。揺れの激しいオフロードを何時間も走ったため流産しないかと心配したが大丈夫との事でホッとしている。私たちは日本食としてお好み焼きをごちそうしたが肉なしの為、さながらキャベツ焼きであった。マラウイの人でもなかなか行けないニイカの旅にKONDWANI夫婦も非常に喜んでくれて楽しい旅を体験し、一緒に過ごせた事は一番の思い出となった。ちなみにこの旅行は娘からの私の誕生日の祝いとの事。有難く思い楽しませていただいた。










 娘の家では冷蔵庫や扇風機は置いているものの停電が多く不自由が多かった。旅行を終えて成田のホテルで水やお湯をたっぷり使えて電気も消えないことに「ああ幸せ 日本最高!」と安堵した。日本はいいなー今の生活を大事にしようと改めて思う日々…マラウイの旅から帰宅して1週間ばかりは目覚めるとトイレはどこだっけ?今日は何するんだっけ?この身体のだるさは何だろうとと戸惑う日々が続いた。が最近はマンションの上の階の子供の走り回る足音がうるさいなーと思う日々・ようやくマラウイの呪縛から解き放されて現実に戻れたようである。朝食にはニイカに行く途中の山奥で番人のおばさんから購入したはちみつを毎朝パンにつけて食べている。







“Trip to Malawi by Yoriko Kamiyanagi”

 My daughter Mio participated Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, and 15 months passed after she went to Malawi and started working as a volunteer. I was invited to visit Malawi and joined this program. The flight departed from Narita airport via Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. But when we landed in Addis Ababa the plane developed a fault and we had to wait for 6 hours. We finally arrived at Malawi over 31 hours after our departure from Japan.


 African soil is extremely red and blue flower Jacaranda were full bloom there. That scene impressed me, “I came Africa at last!! “. It was memorable that many tall plants which have thick trunk, blue flower Jacaranda, red flower Flamboyant, infrequent subtropical trees like heavy mango tree. I saw a lot of Japanese used car running, some of them are written TOYOTA on those bodies, others have symbol of wheelchair, mark of welfare work or indication of Meitetu home-delivery service in Japanese language. I thought as if I were those cars that they should never have imagined they were used in Africa. I saw people boarding on car carrier with lots of luggage, others transferred with quite luggage on bicycle carrier, others walked putting water bucket on their heads. I felt Malawi lives through those scenes.


 People working with my daughter welcomed me willingly at their office and they had looked forward to meet Mio’s (my daughter) mother. Her boss said to me “Thank you for launching Mio to Malawi”. I could see my daughter cooperating with them. Everyone was so kind and I wanted to express my gratitude to them for my daughter being assisted. But I couldn’t find words then I just said “Zikomo” many times with smile. [Zikomo means “thank you” in Malawian local language]


 We went to Mio’s working place through winding dusty road by Japanese used car NOAH. She usually travels by a motorbike for over an hour to reach there. Many women wearing Chitenje from village welcomed me in their place of assembly. [Chitenje is Malawi’s traditional cloth]. We wore Chitenje too and greeted them. They cook donut, mini cake and biscuit made from maize flour for their income generating activity taught by Mio’s colleagues and other organizations. But they can’t cook more than 20 per a day. We bought and ate them. Those were delicious. The other local group produces belts from local Chitenje and make bags or small articles from old car tire for their income generating. I saw their effort and my daughter participating daringly. I was relieved to see her working actively.


 There is a great nature tourist resort in Malawi. We spent two days with Kondwani couple, my daughter’s friends, in Nyika National Park. We drove by a jeep in great nature at daytime and we were excited to see zebras and antelope as saying “How great it is!!” many times. At night I gazed with the night sky in south hemisphere. I wanted to hear a lot from Kondwani couple, but no words came out and I just smiled. The wife Lusuwiro cooked Nsima which is staple food in Malawi made from maize flour for us. I tried it on hand and it tasted good. Lusuwiro is a very nice wife, so she put away the dishes willingly and had prepared chiffon cake for our trip in advance. She was pregnant for four weeks at that trip. Driving on off-road with big swing for a few hours made me worried about her condition, but she was alright. We treated Okonomiyaki as Japanese food, but there was no meat so it looked like cabbage pie. Kondwani couple was really pleased at Nyika trip because it is not easy to come there. We experienced pleasant trip and this was the best memory in Malawi. In addition this trip was my birthday present from my daughter, I really enjoyed it and appreciated it.


 We also went to another tourist resort Livingstonia. We left my daughter’s residence Rumphi through road M1 (national highway in Malawi) to north admiring the Lake Malawi on the right hand side. Then we suddenly turned to off-road and reached top of mountain after driving extremely rough road for an hour. At the entrance of that off-road people from youths to adults sold big fishes caught in Lake Malawi. They sold those by hand although it was under sunny weather. A man boarding on carrier of a truck bought one and went back home. I took picture of wonderful sunset and sunrise as looking at Lake Malawi in Livingstonia.


 I also visited a local elementally school in Rumphi. When I saw the kids wearing no shoes it made me feel sad and I felt “I want them to wear shoes and give them desks and chairs. If there are more notebooks and pencils they can study better”. The principle told us often they need help. I saw the real situation in Malawi which is completely different from japan and decided to support them through my daughter little by little.


 When I visited a district hospital, there was a big mango tree and many villagers crowded in the shade of the tree and might rest there. There is a board indicating AIDS ward so I heard everybody knew who AIDS patient in the village were. They have no privacy there. Even in an infant ward there are iron beds put in small room. It looked like a field hospital I watched on TV before.


 Malawian people are friendly, kind and smile often. So my daughter has many friends there who help her a lot. I really appreciate it. Most of them are Christians and they go to church every Sunday while well dressed up. Those looks gave me some mysteries. For example, why a lot of women have a big body though not all of them shouldn’t be rich? How can they be so fashionable and put wigs on their hair though I don’t know where they keep back beautiful clothes at their small houses and I don’t know where they buy clothes though there is no tailor shop?


 At Japan embassy the ambassador and his wife welcomed us comfortably and treated Japanese foods like Chirashizusi, Otukuri, and Yakitori. Those reminded me of Japan and relieved me.


 In my daughter’s house blackout happened often, so it’s not convenient enough though there are refrigerator and electric fan. After coming back to Narita airport it made me so happy that I could use a lot of hot water and there was no blackout in a hotel. This experience reformed myself so that I should take care of my present life day by day. I was confused around a week after coming back from Malawi. Every morning I thought where the bathroom is, I wondered what I would do today and I felt lazy sometimes. But I got to be dissatisfied with the sound of kids running on upper floor in my condominium these days. I felt as if I was released from the aftereffects of Malawi at last. I eat bread every day with the honey which I bought in the deep mountain on the way to Nyika national park.


 Malawian people I met were all cheerful and the babies were so cute with big eyes. But death rate of babies and infants is 43.4% (2% in Japan). Infection rate of HIV is over 10%, 17% in southern parts in Malawi. The average life span is 55 years old, compared to Japan there is a quite different. These made me wonder which part we should start working on at first.


 This time 7 family joined this Malawi trip program. One of these family is a mother and sister. Their purpose was to meet her daughter’s Malawian boyfriend. Her daughter was always with her boyfriend. Other participant asked me “What would you do if your daughter got boyfriend here?” I just answered “It might not happen to my daughter.” But everyone around her was very kind and it worried me a little----. Cosmos flowers bloom in my daughter’s garden and I planted seeds of morning glory, sunflower, rape blossoms, tulip and pea there. Mr. Gondwe, a guard for her watering properly so I am looking forward to hearing news about these flowers.


(写真はクリックすると拡大してご覧になれます。 / Click to enlarge the photo.)

KONDOWANI夫妻とニーカ国立公園にて / With Kondowani couple at Nyika national park
KONDOWANI夫妻とニーカ国立公園にて / With Kondowani couple at Nyika national park
美生のグループの女性リーダーと。彼女の手に持っているのが彼女たちの作っているお菓子です。 / The female leader from Mio’s group. She holds the sweets they baked.
美生のグループの女性リーダーと。彼女の手に持っているのが彼女たちの作っているお菓子です。 / The female leader from Mio’s group. She holds the sweets they baked.
美生の家の警備員に日本から持ってきた種の植え方を教えている。 / I am teaching Mio’s watchman how to plant the seeds which I brought from Japan properly.
美生の家の警備員に日本から持ってきた種の植え方を教えている。 / I am teaching Mio’s watchman how to plant the seeds which I brought from Japan properly.
ニーカ国立公園にいた美しいシマウマ / A beautiful zebra which we saw at Nyika national park
ニーカ国立公園にいた美しいシマウマ / A beautiful zebra which we saw at Nyika national park


■マラウイ・ファンドはこちら / click here for Malawi fund
