おらほのまち (7) / Our home town (No.7)






We always would like to report the current situations in Tohoku to the world because they still need a lot of supports. So we collect the messages from Tohoku and to Tohoku to inform the current conditions and thoughts for revivals of the affected areas and so on.


Today we introduce the message from Pen-Name the high school student who wants to be Ben Casey.









5 years have already passed since the Tohoku great earthquakes and tsunami happened.

I remember that I tried to forget the fact of the disaster 5 years ago. However, these days it pains me to see that our memories of the disaster are fading away and become ambiguous. Also every time I remember the situation when the disaster happened, I can feel how happy I am now and thank everyone who have supported us from the bottom of my heart.


The disaster kept making me think that if it didn’t happen, many people would not need to be sad and could have a better life.

However, one day I heard a story from a staff at Asahi Breweries, Ltd. at my cram school. He said “We can’t change the past but we can change the future.” This words have made me think that I shouldn’t think about the past but should think about what I want to do in the future. Although there are still more problems such as the demolition work of the old town hall, I would like to make a connection with the people in the future without forgetting about the fact of the disaster.


(写真はクリックすると拡大してご覧になれます。 / Click to enlarge the photo.)

枯れた木の根からハマギクが生えていて感動した。I was impressed to see this Moutauk daisy from the withered tree roots.
枯れた木の根からハマギクが生えていて感動した。I was impressed to see this Moutauk daisy from the withered tree roots.


■東北支援 チャリティーTシャツプロジェクトはこちら / click here for Tohoku charity t-shirt project
