「そっと応援する会」について / About“Sotto Ouen”






  1. 焦らずこつこつと、何より中身を濃い充実したものにするべく努める。
  2. 細くとも長い活動を心がける。
  3. どんな活動地域であれ、主役は地域住民である。私たちはその地域の方々に寄り添い、地域の方々と共に課題解決に挑む。
  4. 活動を通し、1人でも多くの同じ想いを共有する人々に出会える機会を創造する。
  5. 誰かの「想い」を形にし、人と人を繋ぐ役割を担う。
  6. 一人一人が「できること」を身近な社会貢献活動に結び付ける。









Hello everyone,

We would like to explain the basic information of our organization this time.

This organization was found by members who met by coincidence in Tohoku in Japan, where a great earthquake and tsunami hit in March, 2011. We are working with a number of the local people in the area and people around the world. Priority is given to people who understand our activities. Their support assists us to achieve our objectives steadily.


How we work:

  1. Take our time to act properly.
  2. Take action little by little but for a long period of time.
  3. Wherever we work, the local people should play the leading role in the activities. We always try to solve problems with them.
  4. Create opportunities to meet more people who have the same ideas. 
  5. Embrace someone's idea and link it to others.
  6. Link what a person can do to a social action in our society with our activities.

In Aug, 2011, this organization was found by the people who met by coincidence in Tohoku in Japan, where great earthquakes and tsunami hit in Mar, 2011. It therefore targets earthquake and Tsunami victims. These people really need a long time to revive so we decided to keep supporting Tohoku for a long time.

In Jun, 2014, we've started to focus on more areas in Tohoku because to extend our reach due to the situation changes and the coming in of new stakeholders.

In Feb, 2015, we decided to start supporting Malawi because one of our staffs started working there.